We are Ageless in Spirit
We identify and judge people by their bodies.
That causes a lot of misery and unhappiness.
Age is not the person.
Hair color and weight is not the person.
Skin color is not the person.
The person is timeless.
Making people fit into a timeline of how many
years they have been on the planet is a mistake of separation.
People are a glorious infinite beings hidden
temporarily in physical cases that do not need
to be categorized or judged.
What if you could really see beyond the physical form?
What if you could see to the soul?
What if you could look at the energy that is
being projected by a person? Then you could decide more
accurately whether to be with a certain person.
Then you could see who might hurt you, hate you,
judge you, or take your energy. You could also see who
projects love, trust, and compassion. It would be far
clearer of an assessment too than looking at only the body.
A body allows us to receive info about them if
we choose to see it that way. But looking at only
the age, color or condition of the body makes
it harder to project who we are.
If others see only our structures, they might
not see how beautiful we are inside.
Let us look at interiors, not exteriors.
Let us look for the light within others, not the
dim reflection off the surface of the body.
And let us let our own inner light shine right
through out bodies so others can at least
get a glimpse of who we really are.