© 2010 By Terri Marie
Gifts of the Spirit for the Holidays
I'd like to start offering you some special gifts this Christmas. GIfts that touch and build and honor your Christmas Spirit.
"My first gift to you: COURAGE. May you be brave enough to go after your dreams. Resist the fear and doubt that try to stop you. Bravo!" -- Terri Marie
"My next gift to offer you this Christmas is CELEBRATION: Let celebration be something you do throughout every day of this blessed season, not saved for a frenzied few hours of meals and presents but a deep joy in the huge accomplishment of another year, lived bursting full with life." --Terri Marie
"My Christmas gift to you is MEANING. May you find meaning in every task you do for the holidays, in every present you buy, wrap or give and especially whenever you come across another human traveler this season, may you find exquisite meaning in the exchange." -- Terri Marie
"Imagine what the world would be like if we all had the gift of PEACE this Christmas season. Would we rush? Would we complain? Would we worry? Would we hate? Would we condemn? Would we judge? Not a chance. There would be such a monumental swelling of inner joy that the only thing that could remain inside ourselves would be LOVE." -- Terri Marie
"Today may I offer you a gift few would ask for, the gift of a PLEASANT COUNTENANCE. (countenance usually refers to your face or appearance). I thought of this on my morning walk looking up at a beautiful sun rainbow and realized I was smiling deep within. A Soul Smile is something we can shine on everyone. What a treat to meet each other's Soul Face. Put your best face forward this Christmas. --Terri Marie