It's Time to Smile!
© 2010 By Terri Marie
In "Be the Hero of Your Own Game" I wrote about the "Eye Smile." It's something my mom taught me. Here's the abbreviated version.
"Everyone's hungry for a friendly face. My mom, bless her heart,
had me practice the eye smile when I was a cheerleader.
The point was to smile not with your mouth but with your eyes.
I covered my mouth with my hands and asked her,
"Am I smiling with my eyes now?"
"No," she said.
"How about now?" I tried again until I got it.
What a gift she gave me!
It is even more valuable because today my mother is blind.
Your smiles are free but they are priceless.
Give them away everywhere you can today.
Lots of blessings to you,
Terri Marie
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